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Referral Sign Up

Referral Sign Up

Referral Agreement Terms

“Company”      Perfect Web Designer

“Referrer”       Person & Business completing above sign up form

  1. The “Company” commits to provide website services to “Referrer’s” clients/contacts.
  2. In terms of services, “Referrer” recognises the following: – a) The “Company” will work directly with the Client/contact referred by the “Referrer” to finalise pricing, design, hosting, and website information. b) The “Company” has no influence over Search Engines’ and Third-Party Marketing Systems’ policies regarding the types of websites and/or content that they accept now or in the future. c)The “Referrer” understands that the “Company” provides no guarantee that the services will result in an increase in sales, business activity, profits, or any other type of improvement for the Client/contact referred by the “Referrer.” d) The “Referrer” is only allowed to refer the Client/contact to the “Company” once every two years. e)Only on the first internet sale of a referred Client/contact will the “Company” pay a commision. f) If a Client/contact rejects a direct debit payment and is repaid by their bank after the payment date, the “Referrer” undertakes to compensate the “Company” with future commissions.
  3. “Company” undertakes to pay a percentage of the actual sold Package Price amount (excluding hosting, excluding extra services) invoiced to the Client/contact suggested by the “Referrer,” up to a maximum of $500 per Client/contact referral, as notified prior to Referrer sign up. This will be paid as a lump amount at the end of the month when the “Company” has been paid in full by a non-negotiable check made out to Business name as indicated above.
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